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How atmospheric aerosols affect regional and global climate? What will happen to air quality in regional scale? How are these environmental issues linked?
Finding answers to these questions is the research goal of SNU Atmospheric & Climate Environment Laboratory (ACEL).
The ACEL research group has been conducting observational and modeling studies related to climate and air quality to characterize
means, variability, and trends of atmospheric aerosols and to understand the factors that control
these properties in regional and global scale, especially for East Asia region.
SNU ACEL group is measuring a various kinds of aerosols in the air column and at ground level in Korea, and also analyzing a wide range of data from globally-distributed locations.
We are involved in several global networks and international field projects, which attempt to obtain regional
and global aerosol data using ground-based instruments. We use sophisticated remote-sensing instruments and radiometers
to obtain the aerosol properties. We also try to evaluate the direct radiative effect of Asian dust and pollution aerosols
and globally-distributed aerosols using single-column radiative transfer model, and estimate other aerosol related
phenomena with chemical transport model and air quality model.
Regional and Global Climate Effects of the aerosols Measurement of the radiative forcing of Asian dust and pollution aerosol Investigation of the lifecycle of atmospheric aerosols
* Regional and Global Climate Effects of the aerosols : Measurement-based estimation of the global aerosol climate forcing.
* Measurement and modeling of the radiative forcing of Asian dust and pollution aerosol (Long range transport of aerosols)
: Meteorological factors that control the lifetime and extent of aerosol species and their effect on regional climate.
* Investigation of the lifecycle of atmospheric aerosols from various emission source, transport, chemistry
and deposition with in-situ measurement, remote sensing, and computer simulation.
서울대학교 │
서울대 지구환경과학부 │
서울대 지구환경과학부 대기과학전공 │
한국기상학회 │
Project Atmospheric Brown Cloud │
ABC Modeling Intercomparison Website │
Atmospheric Science Program, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea Tel) +82-2-880-8149
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